Life in the Model Village

Plans are underway to create a model village on the 123 acres or 50 Hectors of natural virgin Savannah land that was purchase in July 2018. I hope to live a life that I have craved for the last 55 or more years of my life. This is living a philosophy that is simple life that is non-material, close to nature, people, the stars and the earth that gives us everything we need to survive. There will be very little money as I have none and I am relatively poor for someone who worked in the United States for 28 years. I hate to call this anything that is a buzz word of what is very popular now and people are familiar with because it is new and just different. This Mwizenge Village plan will cover Savannah Natural Wilderness, Housing, Food and Diet, Water, Livestock, Sources of Energy, Labor, Toilet facilities, Transportation, Illness, Modern Medicine and Herbal Research, Writing Retreats Opportunities, Physical fitness, Creative Arts and Crafts, Zambian Traditional Dances and Theater, Model Village Tours, and Social Everyday Life.